0010 Basic - What is ClickUp

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Hello ClickUp enthusiast! Greetings from Ernesto.

It is difficult to describe briefly a simple and at the same time powerful tool as ClickUp. I imagine that initially, the purpose of ClickUp was to develop an application that would allow the creation of tasks, group them together, generate alarms for these tasks and finally mark them as complete or done. In essence, this is what ClickUp is; nevertheless, they have added little by little new functionalities (and keep doing it) which have turn it into a tool with which you can solve a great number of tasks and/or business processes; it can even be used at a personal level!

ClickUp defines itself as the only tool needed to solve any work task; that is, it is not necessary to know or use any other tool more than ClickUp to pull out the work of a small or medium business - a little bit adventurous to say that it is the only tool needed to pull out a business - but that is how they promote themselves in the market.

Another marketing strategy they use is to say that with ClickUp you will save one day a week. Difficult to measure how true this affirmation can be, but what I like about these two marketing strategies is that they are ambitious and they speak; in my opinion, in the trust ClickUp creators have on their product, even though it could sound exaggerated, it is a very useful tool for project management that allows to follow up each and everyone of the activities that a project includes, so that you can see all of them from different perspectives that lets you have an effective control.

One powerful feature of ClickUp is the ability to create work flows that allows to pass a task from person to person and even from department to department with different control points, alarms, authorizations, etc. in a way that you can control in detail the work flow in a very efficient way.

Other interesting feature that distinguishes it is the possibility of creating dashboards to observe in an eagle view how a project, workflow or group of tasks are progressing - this is done with the purpose of offering reports of the advancement or current state of the project or process and destined to management levels - but it is accessible to any user of the tool.

ClickUp offers the possibility of automate the processes or tasks in an easy way and without the need of expert programers or system developers; this, combined with the use of templates, makes possible the automated precessing of information in a simple way.

In ClickUp is possible to create text documents that can be linked to tasks, lists, spaces or keep completely independent of them. This allows to document processes, standardized procedures, meeting notes and notes in general that are required during a project or process. It is a tool that offers the great advantage of keeping all this information under the same work platform with ease of use and standard access.

ClickUp is a tool that is used through a browser with internet access, all information resides in the cloud so it can be accessed from any location through all type of hardware - personal computer, tablet, phone, etc. Works under the "SaaS" model: Software as a Service, pretty common now a day, allowing great versatility to access and share information.

As I was saying at the start, it is an easy to use productivity tool that offers a huge number of possibilities to manage a project and/or business processes. Definitively, the flexibility that offers is one of its powerful features - while other tools make you adapt your business to them - ClickUp adapts easily to any business need without changing any operational process; in fact, standardizing existing processes that have been proven to work making them more efficient and effective.

In this first delivery I have cover superficially some of the most important features of ClickUp - but believe me, there is more, much more. And the purpose of this blog is to present little by little and one by one the features of this powerful application that has taken the world of business by surprise and that in a relative short time is becoming in one of the most important productivity tools for business management.

Until next time and remember that the standardization of plans and processes, does nothing more than improve the quality of the result and repeated iterations generate an upward spiral.